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Live @ The Sutler 2022


A Million Miles Between

Jenny Johnson

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My fourth album is now available. Have a listen, thank you for visiting our site, and if you like what you hear.... DOWNLOAD the LP here and add it to your music collection!!! When you order from this website, We get to keep all the proceeds from sales. Thank you for listening!

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Jenny Johnson

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My third EP is now available for download! Listen to the tracks below and feel free to download from this website.

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With each change of the season, I go into a sentimental state of mind-- especially in the Fall. There's truly something about the change in the air that reminds me of years past. Though this should really be happening more on December 31st, I can say I do look forward to this time of year when the air becomes cooler and the smell of bonfires and turning leaves fills the air. It's also during this time, especially over the last few years of my being a performing musician, I will begin to think about what I

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Once again, I am at the beginning of yet another trip around the sun! February 2022 marks the beginning of my 53rd year. I can truly say the previous year was interesting with new venues and starting a new project in a Nashville recording studio. I also made a move back to the city where I have spent most of my adult life. Now, the city is not really where I feel most at home because I'm a country girl at heart. I am a woman of Faith, so I am a great believer in life being exactly what you make it. More changes will be coming as well for me but today I am here to tell you what we are up to in the music realm of things. 

I truly feel blessed to be planning another year musically. Professionally I have been doing the same, but music (my semi-profession) has a lot of input into my happiness.  Whatever your medium, sometimes your complete happiness will depend on what you are doing with your craft.  I am also truly blessed with my dear friend and drummer, Tito Walker, who gets us into the new venues to share my music. As luck would have it, I was privileged to end last year on a seriously high note. After twenty years of playing things came full circle as my band and I played the Sutler Saloon in Nashville. When I started my career in music and sharing my songs with the public, my first writer's shows were on Sunday nights at the old Sutler. It was in the same strip mall as the present-day venue, it's just a lot fancier now. At least two Sundays out of every month I would sign up on the sheet at the end of the bar to play my songs for folks and it became kind of a second home. Donnie Winters ran the sound board but he was out of view. Every once in a while he would join in and play dobro on your song, which I found very flattering. It was later when I found out how he and his brothers were very well known on the scene. Fast forward into 2021, I was back at the Sutler with my band (that would shortly become the Simple Saints) on December 23rd. This was kind of an audition for the coming year. If they liked us, we would be in rotation for the coming year of gigs there. Well, we impressed them apparently! We just secured three shows with them recently and I couldn't be more proud of our little band. Was it the music? Our enthusiasm? Lord, I hope so because we loved every minute on that stage. We had our second appearance on February 4th to a mighty near full house. It was a major success! We all had friends come out to support us which I was happy to see.  A cold, cold February night left us warm and satisfied on our direction as a band. Never in a million years did I think I would be still playing, writing, and recording after all these years. But despite all my misadventures in life that slowed me down a bit, I have pressed on. When I get discouraged or I don't know which way to go, I ask my Father what I should do. You know what He tells me" He says, ...... " sing, Jenny. "



Yet Another Trip Around the Sun.... February 2021

This is my birth month. I no longer fear the 19th as I have passed the mark where a woman should be worried about such. Turning 40 was a breeze and I remember enjoying that day much more than I did turning 30. When 50 rolled around, I was unemployed with a three months severance package knowing I was starting over in the working world. Strangely, I wasn't afraid of what was to come. I felt some confidence in my ability to move forward to what will be the last years in the working world. I found a great job and went on with my life as if nothing happened. Since then my Faith has continued to grow and it provides me with more strength than I ever imagined that it could. I can't turn back the clock, but I can most certainly continue to grow in all aspects of my life. One of the few things that has not changed about me is I have always wanted to be a good example to others. 

Two years on, I don't feel much different than I did when I was 20. Though I can say I am much happier and making better decisions! My music continues to evolve into more than I ever dreamed. I still have a strong passion to write, play, sing, and record. And I will continue doing this until I cannot do so any longer. Truly I believe that day will never come as long as I keep pushing forward and challenging myself. I have been so blessed in my life with a musical family that I treasure. There are so many things I want to accomplish and I will do just that. It's been a long time since I was the teenage dreamer in my bedroom in my parents house. Listening to the music that I loved, learning songs, figuring out arrangements. Dreams became a passion. Music became the other half of my creativity and it never ceases to bring me joy. 

What is your passion in life? What do you love to do most with your spare time? Serving others, donating your time....there's a chance you may not even have discovered it yet. Take a chance and a moment from your day to find out. You just may discover why you are here on this earth. Truly I tell you, it is a game changer in the most important way...



A Look Back & Ahead- January 2021 

Wow! What a year 2020 was (understatement, I know)! For so many working musicians, the events in the month of March 2020 shut down live music and their means of income for the year. Just like that -- and there is still no word on resuming, though we are hopeful this year will not repeat itself. I have absolute Faith it will not because musicians are creative and resourceful beings. We will not be kept down in 2021!

So much new music was released last year. Folks made well with the time spent off the road. I…

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